Saturday, May 4, 2013

Focus and Leverage Part 207

Today's posting in the final one for the Prerequisite Tree before we move to the Transition Tree.  As we keep building the PRT we can go further and further down to understand the task connections and the order  in which they must be completed.  We’ve connected the PRT moving down from IO-1 and connecting additional IO’s so now let’s move back to the objective and see if there are any additional IO’s that will/can connect and build an additional branch for the PRT.

At this point, ask yourself: “Is there anything else that must exist just prior to achieving the goal?”  From our list of IO’s it seems plausible that to maximize throughput we must also reduce the amount of rework in the system (IO-6).  If we read the connection between the objective and IO-6 it seems to fit.  “In order to have Production synchronized to maximize throughput, I must have Rework significantly reduced.”  It would be difficult to maximize throughput if a majority of the products are “stuck” in production because of rework!  A default of reducing rework is an increase in throughput.  It is also possible that to control rework the orders must be entered correctly.  In the case of the Dome Company that was a major issue of the Production Manager was the seemingly constant order changes that caused huge rework on the production line.  So, if we connect IO-6 with IO-4 it seems to work.  “In order to have Rework significantly reduced, I must have Orders entered into the system correctly.”
We can continue building this branch and see if additional IO’s from our list can be connected


There is an internal branch that is created between IO-7 and IO-5 and IO-3.  What this branch reveals is that both IO-5 and IO-3 must be in place to to achieve IO-7.  If either one is missing, or incomplete then, we won’t be able to achieve IO-7.

You will also notice the addition of two additional IO to the PRT that were not on the original list.  Those IO’s are IO-11 and IO-12.  IO-11 is a necessary condition to achieve IO-5.  Also, IO-12 becomes a necessary condition to achieve IO-2.

What the PRT allows is to determine what tasks (IO’s) are required to achieve the “objective” you want.  We also list/determine what the obstacles are for why you can’t make the objective happen RIGHT NOW!  With the obstacles defined we develop the Intermediate Objective (IO’s) that, if in place, will remove the obstacles.  With the IO’s defined we now have the list of tasks that must be completed to get to the objective.  Even with the IO’s defined it can be daunting to look at the list and say, “Where do I begin?”  If the necessity logic is correct the structure of the PRT defines the intrinsic order of task completion.  Now the mystery is solved!  Now you can see exactly where to begin the concept of “how to cause the change to happen.”

Even with the mystery solved it is possible that a particular IO might seem out of reach.  The IO is something that must exist to achieve the objective but, you’re still not sure how to achieve that particular IO.  That will be the discussion and purpose of the Transition Tree (TT) which we will discuss in the next posting.

Bob Sproull

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